Friday, June 10, 2011

One brown widow is too many!

The other day I went outside and took quite a bit of basil from my herb garden (it was getting so big!) Then the next day I went to water my herbs and I noticed something in my basil. A nasty spider web with something in it. I pulled it out with a utensil and then I noticed the HUGE spider next to my hand crawling away. Then I noticed the orange hour glass on the belly. Uh oh. A brown widow! Then I noticed more brown widows flowing from my herbs. UH OH! Later that night I took my husband outside to show him where I saw the brown widow and we found the entire back patio completely infested with them. We easily saw 20 but probably more. I couldn't believe my eyes. I have never ever seen anything like it.

Here's only a few of them...

Needless to say, after much toil and debate, I had to let go of my herbs and let my husband spray them down with poison to kill the spiders. My husband will be working for the next few weeks to kill the spiders and clean up our toddler's toys (they spiders found them as homes) to keep in the garage. Our back patio will be useless. :/ We just can't risk it with kids.

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